
While Shades of Commerce works diligently to verify that all businesses, organizations and service providers that are represented on the Shades of Commerce website are women-owned and/or minority-owned, we cannot guarantee 100% compliance. Shades of Commerce does not endorse or guarantee products or services from any business, organization or vendor. Please research businesses, organizations and vendors before engaging in commerce.


  • Refunds will not be given for past services rendered.
  • Cancellations will go into effect the month directly following the submittal of a cancellation notice via the SoC website.
  • Refunds will not be given once payment has been collected.
  • Refunds will not be given for annual payments
  • For payment disputes contact: shadesofcommerce@gmail.com (We will respond within 48 hours)


I agree & acknowledge that there will be no forms of direct selling, including pyramid selling, network marketing or multi-level marketing